



of their Comparative merits and value, either for hay or pasturage. The following observations are taken from that excellent work, Stating the Superiority of trifolium Macrorhinum (long rooted Hungarian Clover0 when Compared with Several others


Trifolium Pratense                        Grass                 49.005.

Red Clover                                   Hay                     12.251.

Rich Clay loam                             Nutritive Matter   1.914


Medicago Sativa -                        Grass                  70.785

Lucerne                                        Hay                     28.314

Like Soil as Clover                       Nutritive Matter   1.659 


Heydsarum onobrychis                Grass                  8..848

Saintfain                                       Hay                     3..539

Clay loam                                     Nutritive Matter       314


Trifolium Macrorhinum                 Grass                 98.010.

Hungary Clover                            Hay                    41.655

Clay loam                                     Nutr Mattr           4.211.

The produce of each was taken from a Similar Soil and Situation, and the Conclusions are positive on Such Soils only -      It is evident that Hungary Clover yields more than twice the quantity of Nutritive Matter which the red variety produces -

It possesses the important property of affording abundance of good Seed, if the ground is Kept clear of weeds it Sows itself vegetating & growing rapidly without any trouble.  It is, however an annual, & is fittest for Soiling or hay -     In Britain or Germany it is Sown in Autumn - "For four years" Says Mr Sinclair " it propagates itself on the Same Spot"    The produce of lucerne Comes nearest in quantity, but it is deficient in Nutritive Matter as Much as 13 to 33.     The long Continuance of lucerne in the Soil is therefore its cheif Merit -                Sainfain yields very poorly in Such Clay loams, the quantity being Small & inferior to lucerne -    The Superiority of Saintfain for hilly Situations & Chalky Soils recommend it for dry Situations, on account of the Strength & depth of its roots - the native habits of this herb is totally unfitted for level alluvial Soil -     On the other hand the Tref Macr. penetrates a great depth into the ground by its roots & is little affected by wet or dry weather, the root is biennial,bur the crop requires good Shelter & deep Soil to obtain Superior produce -    N  









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