

Some of the horses purchased in Victoria for the use of the Cavalry Service in India are Said to have cost on an average £37 each – They are described as being well adapted for Cavalry Service, being young horses, well bred, with plenty of bone, and Stand from fifteen hands high to 15 hands 2 inches — One hundred & fifty horses for Service in india were Shipped on 20th January 1858 from Melbourne, twenty five grooms accompany these horses to india – Horses on private account are also being Shipped from Melbourne for the Indian Market – On the 22nd Jany the "British Trident" was dispatched from Melbourne for Calcutta & with her were Shipped 176 horses Selected by Col E Robbins for the Cavalry Service in India this being the fourth vessel dispatched Since the arrival of Col Robbins [?] October [?] — This vessel has been fitted in twenty three days ​ provisioned and loaded in twenty three days – The Shipment of the horses was effected in ten hours without a single [incident?]

Colonel Scobbie arrived in Melbourne by the [Sinla?] on 11th Jany with his Suit (Major Grant & Lieutenant Whish) who have come for the purpose of assisting Colonel Robbins in his Mission for the Selection of Cavalry horses, & it is probable that a permanent establishment will be formed, Should these officers see their way Clear to recommend Such to the Government of India

Current Status: 
Ready for review