Volume 01: Production and resources of the northern and western districts of New South Wales, 1854 [ca. 1850-1857] - Page 111
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farm but could Spare at More or less inconvenience, one or two Suitable horses; and, though it would be a very great inconvenience and expense to Send them to Sydney, they could easily Send them fifty miles to the nearest town. There they Could be inspected & passed by the Magistrates of each bench, tailed or put in paddocks, which I have no doubt would readily be lent until they were Collected, & then Sent to Sydney. All that is necessary is Combined action.
Nothing positive can be done till the officer arrives by next Steamer, but time is every thing, and a Month Could be Saved by, preparing to act immediately on his arrival; I would, therefore, Suggest that the Country gentlemen now in town, & others Should form themselves into a Committee, and by Correspondence with the different benches of Magistrates, & individual Squatters, & farmers, ascertain what can be done & prepare to do it.
The horses required, so far as I can learn from Military men, will be Stout horses from 14 hands 3 inches to 15 hands 3 inches & from 4 to 7 years old; Sound, & in good or at least fair condition; broken in, but it is probable they will also take them unbroken.
Active draught horses, broken in, will probably br taken for artillery.
It may be said that all dealers would buy these Scattered horses on Speculation & sell them to the Indian Officer, but there are two objections to that; first, that it would require great length of time whereas the horses are required at once; and Second, that if bought by dealers they would be sold only for the Sake of their price, and I am told by one of the Most respectable dealers that it is impossible to fulfil orders for Such horses as are required for dragoons; that in fact he has So many orders on his books unfulfilled, that he has latterly Ceased to take them.
We must Sell our horses at whatever inconvenience, Simply because it is our duty as British Subjects and Christian Men, to assist in preserving our Indian Empire and in preventing thousands of our Countrymen and their children from being brutally Slaughtered, as they have been in Bengal and as they will be all over India if the Mutiny is not rapidly & effectually Suppressed
Your obedient Servant
Gidean. S.Lang
Sydney 15th September