Volume 01: Production and resources of the northern and western districts of New South Wales, 1854 [ca. 1850-1857] - Page 242
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If there is too great length, it will be known by the twisting up of the pieces into hard bands, like short pieces of twine, which break almost like rotten thread, It is an error as [misterious?] as the short Cottony wool & cannot be too carefully avoided.
FINENESS A deficiency in fineness will Show itself by an abrupt falling off either in the breech or in the neck or in both. Many of the settlers imagine that Sheep Cannot be bred without a course neck & breech, but this is a gross error for though the fleece Can never be made of exactly the same fineness throughout, the difference may be made exceedingly slight, & so gradual as to be almost [indecipherable] unless to the trade -
After much study and many trials the following plan is with Confidence suggested, as by it with proper care, the yoke is dissolved, so as to allow the sheep to leave the water in the shortest time thoroughly Cleansed.
The success of the whole process depends upon the [indecipherable] management of the soaking, which is first described-
The Yoke is a natural soap to which no
composition is equal for scouring the wool. It is soluble in water of any moderate temperature & when accumulated in sufficient quantity in the water it combines with the Yoke in the wool, which, being disolved,[dissolved] is at once washed out with all the dirt that is mixed with it. If, however, the sheep are put into clear water without being soaked the Yoke is washed out, leaving the dirt which is then almost immoveable & the sheep must be exposed in the Cold water without any scour to preserve either the skin or the wool.
The remedy for this evil is found thus : -
The pen should be about 16 feet square by 5 or 6 feet deep, and on purpose to retain the Yoke, should be confined on all sides,with the exception of a sluice into the classing pen. If there is a running stream, care must be taken to prevent any current through the pen, & the slight current admitted over the top sappling [sapling] must be regulated as to clear off the dirt without carrying off the scour.
CLEANING A PEN This must be of the same size but open on all sides