Volume 01: Production and resources of the northern and western districts of New South Wales, 1854 [ca. 1850-1857] - Page 456
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Although fortified by evidence at once unexectionable [unexceptionable?] and distinct
your Committee would have been most unwilling to advise a process so summary, if any hope could be held out of otherwise extirpating the scab; but the [indecipherable] examined are of opinion that, both from the present deficient state of the labour market, and the imposibility [impossibility] any longer of obtaining the requisite change of pasturage, it would be utterly useless to attempt a cure by medical remedies -
Your Committee, therefore, are Convinced that the destruction of all the Scabby Sheep within the Colony, the number of which is fortunately at the present time so small, would Confer the greatest benefits, not only on the Public generally but, with the Compenstation [compensation] offered, in an especial degree on the proprietors themselves.
It has been demonstrated beyond question, that
the disease prevents the increase of Sheep, impedes their growth; deteriorates the quality; and lessens the quantity of their wool, and hinders the animal attacked from fattening.
Whereby the profit of the owners is destroyed, and the Colony injuriously affected by a disease in its exports, and by the loss of pastures, from
which a supply of animal food would otherwise flow.
Your Committee feel further justified in urging the Course they have recommended on Sanitary as well as economical grounds for it is a well ascertained fact that the scab renders the meat of the animals affected unwholesome for food, the effects of the disease being dangerously aggaravated [aggravated] by the mineral poisons
used for its cure, and it is possible that the meat of such morbid animals may be exposed for sale, without the sellers or buyers being able to detect its diseased State -
Your Committee do not anticipate any objections to the compulsory distruction [destruction] of their sheep by the owners whose real interests are obviously promoted by the measures proposed the wool of Scabby Sheep is declared not to pay the expences [expenses] of their keep, and the Carcase [carcass] Cannot be sold - The owner not only exposes himself to rumours legal proceedings should his Sheep infect the flocks of his neighbours, but he threatens with distruction [destruction] one of those important sources from which the public is supplied with animal food"
Having made these extracts from the preceding of the Committee