Volume 01: Production and resources of the northern and western districts of New South Wales, 1854 [ca. 1850-1857] - Page 64

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Seeds of the Sensitive grass

Pod of the Sensitive

The Stems of this group lay close to the ground, and extend from the root in a circle from three to four feet -------------- it bears a small yellow flower, the Seeds are Collected when ripe from a cluster of pods which are found on every Stem. This grass is every where found in Liverpool plains district, & is named Sensitive from the peculiar nature it possesses on being touched, the leaves contract like those of the Sensitive plant - The outer casing of the pod is light brown, the Seeds are black, the leaf is tapering & about a quarter of an inch long. Dutrochet has attempted to demonstrate the existence of nervous organs in plants, at least in the Sensitive plant, So well known for the Singulartiy of closing & drooping its leaves when thay are touched, or deprived of light, even by the shadow of a passing cloud  At the base of the leag Stalk of this plant is a Sort of bulging collar, Composed of a delicate tissue of cells, upon which the motion of the leaf depends; for when the under part is Cut away, the leaf remains bent down & cannot again erect irself, & when the upper part, it cannot bend down: So that the Collar obviously Consists of two antagonist Springs Set in motion by what he terms nervous globules, Three drops of prussic acid poured upon a Sensitive plant will deprive it of the power of unfolding [?] leaves for nearly a day. The Seed of the Sensitive plant may be Kept long good, if preserved from light, and moisture.

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