The following article on the quality and management of grasses appeared in the Sydney Atlas published on the 13th November 1847.
" The Knowledge and practical experience of agriculturalists from the other Side of the globe is of little advantage in too many respects when brought to bear on Australian affairs in general, rural in particular. There is such a topsy turvy reverse in almost every thing, that no one need wonder why " Colonial experience" is an article or attribute in Constant demand; and a pretty mess even Colonial experience frequently makes of it -
Australia being eminently a pastoral Country, men would naturally Suppose that no Small Share of attention must of course be directed to the improvement of her pastures, for the benefit of Stock fed thereon. No Such thing.
Very little attention indeed has been paid to the nature of grasses best adapted for permanent pasture, Some districts obtain a higher character than others for fattening a great diseratum as matters are now managed, but no enquiries Seem to be made regarding the quality of Such Soils, Sub Soils, or the value of their grasses for other quarters, effected by means of their Seeds procured & sown, thus producing a permanent benefit at a little trouble and Small expense.
The principal Circumstances which create a value to any grass, arise from the quantity of nutritive matter afforded thereby, joined to the time of its production & duration. A lamentable degree of ignorance pervades all classes regarding Australian grasses. Nature is a kind & considerate mother, generally doing her work in a most admirable manner, & adapting every thing to its proper uses and ends. A constant Struggle exists between nature & man; the first endeavouring to preserve her influence & carry out her plans; the latter battling with all his might to destroy them. Who will deny that great changes have taken place Since the white man took possession of Australian Soil.
The native tribes are unanimous on the position, that seasons are