Volume 01: Production and resources of the northern and western districts of New South Wales, 1854 [ca. 1850-1857] - Page 20

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Early account of and description                                        231 to 245

Territorial Division of New South Wales                                  247

Exports & Imports of New So. Wales for 1855                    290 x

Opening the alluvial lands for sale                                          268 x


Myall & Bricsolow Shrub description of                                        253

Salt Brush                          "         "                                          253

The Ornithorynous Paradosus                                                255

Regarding the tribes of Blacks                                                257

Languages Spoken by the tribes                                            258

Description of the Boomering[sic]                                                259

On Applying Electricity or Galvanism to

Sheep diseased with Shab                                                     261

Catarrh in Sheep                                                                    264

Letting out ground for Cultivation                                           267

Strayed & Wild Cattle at Swan River

from the Colony of New South Wales                                    269

Exports from Britain                                                               270

Ranges from New England terminate                                    271

The Budgery Gaan Paroquet                                                 272

Number of licenses taken for the districts

during the years 1845 & 1846                                               273-

 of New Zealand population extent                                    283

Great heat of the Atmosphere in Sydney 30th Jan.y 1855     272

Population of Victoria from the census

taken 1854                                                                           254                                                                           



Meteorological Tables                                                          347

Abstract of Metoerological Tables                                        345-

Preserved Beef in tin Cases                                                 275

Export of Salt Meat                                                               274

Preserved Meat in tins from Grafton on Clarence River       276

Discovery of Country Sufficient to Supply the whole

world with Animal food                                                          277

Dugong oil from Moreton Bay                                               278

Drawing of the Dugong & description                                   279

First Census taken of the Colony 

Live Stock 1788 & 1801 Land under Cultivation

in 1801                                                                                  254                                 
  Estimated Population of Sydney & Suburbs in

November 1853                                                                    254   

The Australian Bustard                                                         269

The Australian Society                                                          283

Observations on the Boomerang Propeller                           263 x

Trial of the Boomerang Propeller                                          264

GOLD MINING IN CALIFORNIA                                   x 341 to 34[?]

Map of Victoria & New South Wales Exhibiting the Counties

Townships & principal roads in New South Wales at 35 miles to an inch                                                                                Frontispiece

Map of New South Wales, North, South & Central Australia

with Counties in New South Wales

Map of Country from Sydney to Armadale

exhibiting the Counties & Stations 8m to an in[inch]                     14

Map of New England & Clarence with Port

of Moreton & Darling Counties & Stations dº                         36

Map of Burnett Wide Bay & Leichhardt exhibiting

the Counties Stations of the Settlers & Pt Curtis Country     90

General Map of New South Wales in frontispiece

Map of Victoria & New South Wales exhibiting the Counties

in New S Wales to

Maryborough in Wide Bay at 60 miles to an inch                 23[?]          

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