requires the Stickmen to use a breast Strap, & Crupper.
A good Number of horses Say a very fair draft May be had from the three rivers Richmond, Clarence, & Macleay,
At present there is no Market, The owners of horse Stock Seldom or Never Send by Sea to Sydney, for the reason you State, that it will not pay to Send a Small Number for inspection, even if Secure of Selling.
Whether it may be advisable to Send an officer to Grafton for the purpose of inspecting and purchasing Horses there, May be a Consideration. Their being near to a Sea Port, they Can readily be Shipped off to Sydney, at Much less expense than purchased in the interior, far from Shipping.
On the other hand, the nearest line of road we have from — Armadale to Grafton, or to any of the eastern Sea Ports is 135 Miles. – From Armadale to Maitland is 240 Miles.
I consider that although Armadale is this far Situated from a Sea Port, that horses Might be purchased there, at prices according to the expense the purchaser May be at in getting them forwarded to Shipping, and that an officer appointed for Armadale would be More efficient than one at Grafton, The horses from the Macleay, Clarence, & Richmond, will find their way to Armadale for sale, and thus from this Central point a very Considerable Number might be obtained, & forwarded in drafts for Shipment on board the Steamer from grafton to Sydney. From Armadale to Newcastle a distance of 202 Miles, or from Armadale overland to Sydney a distance of 307 Miles –
I Shall be happy to afford further information on
this Subject
I am Sir
Your Most Obedient
Humble Servant
– William Gardner –
Gideon, T. Lang Esqr M.L A.
Woolloomooloo –