the Mountain & Coast Showers Certainly produce an abundant Supply of grass at all Seasons, Yet it has been found to be too rank and to be better adapted for Cattle runs ------ This Country may Suit Sheep from the range Country Suffering under Catarrh for a few Months during winter, however that may be we find that Sheep farmers in the district of Clarence, as also in Moreton are leaving these districts for Country Situated in the North, which is better for their flocks.
Calculation of loss in Sheep by Shepherds in the bush and by disease etc on a Station Situated in the Central part of New England & running from between Seven to twelve thousand Sheep during the Years 1839 and 1849 ------
Much of the Success of the Sheep farmer depends on the Management of his flocks Where personal Superintendance is given the interest is Considered to be greater, & if this is accompanied by a Knowledge of his business, and a Complete Manangment of his men, which will be found to be of essential interest to him in the management of these flocks & the run on which the Sheep have been running Considered to be a Sound & good run, A calculation may then be made on the Success of his operations. ------
Many individuals have been induced to enter into stock both of Sheep & Cattle, and have left the Charge of their establishments to men who presumed to Know the business, they have been disappointed with this charge. Others have been disappointed by their overseers who Know the business, but who wanted a Knowledge of the management of the men ------ This is decideoly a great want, when much property is necessarily in the power of a very inferior Class of Servants every day at their disposal ------
Many of these servants possessing a malicious & revengeful disposition, & who Can Shepherd the Sheep to a Shade which word May be understood to Mean to s degree in favour of his employer or the reverse
The Calculation made upon the Station alluded to which is Considered to be as good as any in New England ------ The Management was performed by the individual who owned it he was an excellent Manager & well liked by his Servants. During the whole of the years of the Management every assistance was afforded by Competent persons for Success and a Calculation was made in the winding up and abandoning the Station for Sheep farming in the early part of the Year 1849, of the deaths from disease and loss by Shepherds in the bush