For Some time after the runs were occupied in this district, the Swamps retained their original appearance, they were More frequently Covered with water than otherwise. In the most elevated parts of New England Swamps are found, and are as numerous near to Benlomond the highest point in the district, as any where else, where from the fallen & dead timber the creeks get choked up, & render the runs in Some instances nearly useless for Sheep farming. The occupation of these runs, have at this time now Sixteen years altered their original appearance, & Country which at the early occupation was Scarcely passible on horseback can now be passed with heavily laden drays, & from the almost impassable State in which they were first found will be long remembered in New England, they were frequently Crossed between the great Northern line of road, & the Stations of the Settlers Situated on each Side of the Main table land. At the early occupation Sheep Could not graze on these Swamps from their wet State during no season of the year. Consequently the flocks in New England were then in better Condition than they are at present, the Sheep were grazed on the ridges, Since that time the swamps have been partially drained, & Careless Shepherds are in the habit of grazing their flocks on them.
The grazing of Cattle on the runs has greatly Contributed to the draining of the Swamps, the Cattle track in a line, and these tracks have early formed a trough for the Cattle to pass, & latterly a Strong Current Set in through these tracks, Cutting deep ruts, & Clearing the water during wet & drooping Seasons from the Swamps. The partial drainage of these Swamps has been attended with this disadvantage, that Sheep Can now graze on them, which in their present partially drained State ought on every account to be avoided, Sheep ought to be Kept off them until they are properly drained which may be calculated from this date 1854 to be in Six or Seven years even with the present imperfect Method by Cattle tracks ------ Sheep may then be grazed on the land formerly a Swamp with impunity, without dread of the diseases they are now Subject to, by grazing on grass occasionally flooded.
The principal part of the land belonging to the Stations May then be Made available, & the land formerly occupied by the swamps be made a Valuable part of the run, instead of as at present a generator of disease, producing diseased liver & exhibiting the fluke, the bottle & foot rot in the Sheep farmers flocks.
In the northern districts the Sheep runs occupy the Mountain, range, & hill Country. Cattle runs for breeding herds occupy range Country, & the low Country is preferred for fattening herds ------ The improvements on a Sheep Station, Consist in a Cultivation paddock for grain, Maize & potatoes, Shepherds hut & a house for the proprietor or overseer. Those on