The discovery of this magnificent Bay and Port occurred on then 16th May 1770.
The Bay is an extensive Sheet of water situated in the Counties of Stanley and Ward, and is about five hundred miles by water from Sydney, and between the 27th and 28th parallel of South Latitude. Ships of large size and burthen can enter this bay by the North Channel. The entrance by the South Channel is between the islands of Moreton & Stradbroke, this passage is not accessible by ships of large burthen, neither is the south entrance considered safe, it is attended with danger and is accordingly disused. This magnificent Bay is defended from the Pacific Ocean by Stradbroke and Moreton Islands, there are eighteen feet of water over the bar of the northern entrance. In the bay there are numerous Shoals, and banks with chanels between them. The extent of the bay from North to South is more than sixty miles. The lands are fertile on the western shore of the Bay, and on the banks of the rivers. It has lately been suggested, that preparations should be made for the usual regatta on the anniversary of the Colony 26th January, as it has been found that during the month of May in which occurs the anniversary of the discovery of the Port by Captain Cook is not at all favourable for sailing matches. During January the north easterly winds prevail, which are the best for sailing in the reach between North and South Brisbane. Boat racing during January, need not interfere with the celebration of the Moreton Bay anniversary on the 16th May, as it is considered that at present there are not many means of amusement at Moreton Bay, and that anything that can add to the Small Stock should be taken advantage of.
His Excellency the Governor General has made the following appointments to the management of the Moreton Bay Savings Bank, viz John Clements Wickham Esq President. Trustees John. C Wickham, R. R. MacKenzie, I. S. Ferriter. R. D. Smith, and George Raff Esquires.