State Library of NSW
MARANOA DISTRICT. The lower part of this [this] district which formerly formed part of the Crown land Commission of Liverpool plains was divided off and a larger track of northern & north western country annexed, this land as alloted [allotted?] & with a separate district during 1847 & 1848 and a resident Crown land Commissioner was appointed at Surat situated on Lower Condamine river. The numerous stations then formed on the rivers Mooni & Sources of the Barwon & Calandoon [ Callandoon?] waters as also those on the Balonne, Maranoa & Cogoon rivers required protection from the inroads of the evil disposed natives. Since that time considerable additional occupation has taken place this country was principally taken up by the Cattle graziers. An early attempt at sheep farming having failed from the rapacity & [diposition?] of the blacks to Commit injury on the settlers by robbing whole flocks of sheep at a time & murdering the shepherds. The country on the sources of the Cogoon has been tested as a sheep country & found to answer well. Salt brush abounds in it & other herbage & grass requisite for the success of the sheep farmer. INDIGINOUS [INDIGENOUS] PRODUCTS OF MARANOA DISTRICT There is a great variety of human food to be obtained in this district, the rivers abound in fish the most esteemed are those of the Cod, Bream, & the [Ducke?], Roots are found resembling the carrot others the potatoe [potato] & various fruits. Large flocks of birds visit the net work of rivers in this district, these water fowl are esteemed by the settlers who have an abundant supply during every season.
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