Volume 01: Production and resources of the northern and western districts of New South Wales, 1854 [ca. 1850-1857] - Page 514

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from 70 to 80 miles, and again from Oakey Creek to Baraba in a westerly direction some ninety miles -


On the 1st of March 1852 Mr Hargraves Commenced a tour in the Northern districts for the purpose of examining the gold fields in the Northern portions of the Colony & of examining the country to the northward of these fields as far as Moreton district.
Mr Hargraves states that he found one hundred
& thirty five men at the Hanging Rock diggings averaging each from four to five shillings a day. these diggings were then from four to five miles long - The hills came very abruptly into the Creek the bed of which is narrow affording little room for the exercise of the gold diggers skill, so that the
claim is no sooner opened than it is worked out - The rocks dip upwards at three feet in depth - The country is of trap formation with quartz veins
running through it &        quartz in small quantities.  Obsidian & Clinkstone were observed, the latter when broken emitted a sulphurous odour -
Mr Hargraves remarked that there were no auriferous indications short of Dr Gills station or swamp Oak Creek or Cockburn River at a distance of fifteen miles from the junction where the flats became smaller, and there trap rock is very abundant, red selex & dirty grey fragmentary quartz - 

Commissioner Durbin commenced to issue licences on the 8th March at that time there were
three hundred persons on the ground.
Mr Hargraves in this journey kept close to the Main range anticipating at or near the highest land to see some evidence of an auriferous Country, but not having seen any indication of one was not sanguine of finding a gold field south of Moreton Bay - He several times Crossed the main range to the east & at one time intended to visit Clouds creek but did not think it
of such importance especially as he was informed that Turon diggers were proceeding there.

Mr Hargraves route from Tenterfield was by Maryland, Warwick, Drayton, Cunninghams Gap to Ipswich and Brisbane - through the whole of this Country he did not see the slightest probability of a gold field - The Structure of the Country from Tenterfield to Maryland is granite trap & Ironstone. Maryland to Warwick granite clay slate for a very short distance on a Spur falling into the Downs with Conglomerate in the valley - Warwick to Drayton -


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