Volume 01: Production and resources of the northern and western districts of New South Wales, 1854 [ca. 1850-1857] - Page 508

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                    New South Wales                                       299

Number of Licenses Issued To Dig Gold From 1st June To


Licences issued at Ophir_       2094.
Turon                                      8637
Meroo River & Louisa Creek 1-009
Abercrombie                               41
Areluen                                      405

Total Amount of Gold Shipped From Sydney From The First Discovery of Gold in February Till 31st December 1851-
 -  Number of Ounces
          141 : 422.          Valued at  £436: 871. 13. 3d. _

The [price] obtained for gold a the time was £3.4/.   Exchange on London 7 per cent discount
                   By the middle of February the export of gold amounted to £760: 000          The exchange on London was quoted at 8 per cent discount. The price of gold in Sydney towards the end of March fell to [can't read] the banks at this time suspended all advances on gold [can't read].
             The production of gold for the first year of the gold discovery [can't read] taken at £ 2.641.502. Sterling and the addition to the population of New South Wales 8249 persons.

Price of Consumable Articles

On the price of consumable articles the effect of the gold discovery was [unmistakably] apparent. Flour which had  ranged from £18 to £20 a ton advanced a ton a day, [can't read] and subsequently to £40. During the month of June 1851 flour fetched £100 at Bathurst and every other article bore proportional prices. [A meal] [can't read] from 1½o to 40. per pound.

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