Volume 01: Production and resources of the northern and western districts of New South Wales, 1854 [ca. 1850-1857] - Page 492

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Previous to the Year 1838 a person named McGregor or Shepherd employed by one of the Settlers on the River Bell a tributary of the Macquarie River found surface specimens of gold in that locality and on Several occasions had brought the gold to Sydney from Wellington district.
A series of discoveries of gold were made in the Colony of New South Wales by Count de Strzeleki [Strzelecki] in 1839 - The Rev.d. Mr Clarke in 1841, by Mr Blakefield in 1844, and by a Mr Smith who produced a nugget of gold weighing three ounces which was found Somewhere about Lewis Ponds Creek during the year 1845.
These discoveries attracted the attention of Sir Roderick Murchison and he addressed a letter to Earl Grey on the 5th of November 1848 Calling his Lordships attention to the suggestion he had made in 1840 that the Eastern Cordillera of Australia would probably be found auraferous [auriferous] to the fact that he had recently received from Mr Smith a specimen of gold ore found on the Western slope of the Blue Mountains, and suggesting that a mineral Survey of the region should be made with a View to the gold field being worked either on the public account or by private individuals.
It was not however, until the discovery of gold in California that the Public in New South Wales were induced to search for it.  In the Sydney Morning Herald of 2nd April 1857 Mr E. W. Rudder addressed a letter to the Editions informing them that a gold field had been discovered extending over a track of country of about three hundred miles in length and remarking that the auriferous formation of this Colony & in California were analogus [analgous] -
The Same Journal on the 2nd of May States It is no longer any secret that gold has been found in the earth in Several places in the Western Country - The fact was established by Mr E.H. Hargrave a resident of Brisbane water who returned from California a few months since - What the value of the discovery may be it is impossible to say - Three men worked for three days with very unperfect machinery realized £2.4.8. each for the day whether they will continue to do so remains to be seen - The subject was brought under the Consideration of the Government who admitted Mr Hargraves claim for some Consideration for the discovery, but of course Could make no definite [indecipherable] until the Value of the gold field was ascertained, Mr Stitchbury the Geological Surveyor is now in the district & Mr Hargreaves has proceeded there to communicate with him & in a few weeks

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