Volume 01: Production and resources of the northern and western districts of New South Wales, 1854 [ca. 1850-1857] - Page 466

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New England by the same lessees and upon Calculation it will be found fair to the emigrant.
Calculation of expense of ploughing, harrowing, reaping, threshing with a dry ration & Stacking or
housing for one acre of wheat.
Ploughing by one team of
bullocks 4 acres a day 15/-
harrowing 5/-                                            £1.  0.0.
1 bushel of seed wheat to the acre            0   5.0
Reaping an acre                                        0.17.0  Thrashing 20 bushels & dry ration of    
beef & flour ½                                            0.17.0
Stacking or housing                                        5.0

A good reaper can cut four acres weekly and do every justice to his employer this at 10/- an acre
will earn £2. weekly. deducting only his supply of
tea & sugar for he is furnished with flour and beef
from his employer.
This Summer 1850 reapers are hired in New England at £1. a week with a dry ration or ten shillings an acre with a dry ration or twelve shillings an acre with no ration.

Memorandum of agreement made this day between ___________________on the one part
and _______________as agent for __________
on the other part viz that the cultivation paddocks
Nos. be handed over by the said ____________
with fences in good repair to the said _________
for the purpose of growing grain and Hay and each party bind themselves as follows ________
on the one part _______________ to furnish a team of bullocks plough and harrow with the necessary seed, with seed serves & other other implements necessary to Clean the grain ______
to plough sow the land attend attend to the growth of the Crops, reap, mow, & carry in house thrashing, & clean the grain, securely stack the
hay, Such grain & hay grown to be equally divided between the said _________________
and _________________ the painting and repairing plough irons to be paid for by the said
_____________ owner of the Station but to be taken to the Smith by the renter.
This agreement to extend to two years - The price of rations charged to ___________ to be as follows Viz Flour, 3d per pound, tea 5/- a pound,
sugar 8d. per pound.
 The witness whereof they have mutually affixed their signatures to this document.
        Witness                        signed A H
                                                        C Dr.

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