State Library of NSW
4 DEPOSITS OF GOLD IN AUSTRALIA. ANTICIPATED DISCOVERIES OF GOLD Deposits of gold found in the colonies of New South Wales and Victoria. State of the soils in which these deposits have been found to vary in their appearance. Latitude and Longitude of the principal gold fields in which gold diggers are at present at work in New South Wales & Victoria. WESTERN GOLD FIELDS IN NEW SOUTH WALES In the western districts of new South Wales the deposits of gold in the original gold fields at Ophir, Turon, Heroo[?] and Tamberoora [Tambaroora] have exhibited every description of gold to those found in the richer deposits in the colony of Victoria. These deposits have been found in Similar soils, At Tamberoora [Tambaroora] the rich[?] of these fields [?] shafts have been sunk through quartz veins and the working of the mines like is those in the Victorian fields. NORTHERN GOLD FIELDS IN NEW SOUTH WALES. On the great northern Cordillera at elevations of 2865 & 3063 feet, the deposits of gold found in Sand are in their original state, gold found in layers or beds of Sand at these elevations is as fine as flour or in some instances like gunpowder few grains being the size of pin heads. The action of fire has never changed the original appearance of the deposit. These original deposits are frequently found on the summits and sides of ridges and within a few feet from the surface. In the Colony of Victoria we find gold in the original state in similar deposits. I allude to that found in the Australian Alps on the ridges and in the bed of the Ovens river. In each of these fields the action of fire has never changed the original appearance of the gold, each particle of Sand has effectually seperated [separated] and kept the gold in its original state. The gold diggings on the Australian Alps are what are termed "Wet diggings" which can be worked advantageously only from January to July. The diggings at the Ovens and those at the Rocky river are in granitic fields, those at the Rocky river are ridge diggings. The diggings at Oban & Mount Mitchell on [indecipherable] Skyland are in Granitic fields the gold got at each of these fields is nuggety [nuggetty] & what is termed by the diggers as shotty gold. ELEVATION 4205 FEET. GOLD DEPOSITS IN GRAVEL. RED EARTH, AND CLAY IN NEW SOUTH WALES. The gold deposits on the great Cordillera, in spurs from that range and in the undulating country of the table lands found embedded in red earth mixed with gravel and small quartz have every appearance of having been exposed to the action of the intense heat. These deposits are found in small nuggets having a possible variety of Shape, the nuggets being from the size of wheat grains to an inch and a [indecipherable] in length, the heaviest being from half an ounce to an ounce weight. The gold is found within two feet from the surface and sometimes on ranges situated two miles from any water, having the impression of clay & small quartz on which they rested during fusion. Some of the largest nuggets appear as if chased by Jeweller, and assume beautiful forms.
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