Latitude & Longitude of various diggings in Victoria
The following is a list of the fields on which diggers are now, 1854 at work. To mark this loyalty they are placed in regular succession, according to longitude from west to east.
Latitude |
Longitude |
Latitude |
Longitude |
Mount William, Grampions |
37º 15' |
142º 35' |
Mc [Joer] |
37º |
145º |
Aarca, Pyronees |
37º |
143º 10' |
Andersons Creek |
37º 40' |
145º 10' |
Maryborough, Simpson's ranges |
37º 5' |
143º 40' |
Plenty Ranges |
37º 35' |
145º 10' |
Balaarat |
37º 35' |
143º 58' |
Goulburn |
37º 5' |
145º 50' |
Farrengower |
37º 5 |
144º |
Oven, Australians Alps |
36º 30' |
146º 40' |
Ballan |
37º 33' |
144º 15' |
Omeo " " |
36º 55' |
147º 30' |
Mount Alexander |
37º |
144º 20' |
Bendigo |
36º 20' |
144º 20' |
Description of Victoria Diggings 1854.
Mount William, Avoca, Maryborough, Balaarat, Tarrengower, Ballan, Mount Alexander, Bendigo, Andersons Creek and Plenty Ranges, Ovens & Omeo.
Mount William.
These diggings are on the Grampians, and the diggers are supplied from Portland and Belfast, to which also the gold is [can't read] sent, as there is at present no amount. Although there is a favourable report of the gold fields, no striking results have yet been expected & probable the superior attractions of the other new discoveries will prevent this field from being at present fully developed.
This field is on a spur of the Pyrenees, near the Avoca. The diggings are [can't read] but there is no doubt that which [can't read] exist among the ranges. This field is exceedingly promising.
This is the most recent field to which a separate escort has been established. It is very rich in [allamal] gold, but its development is much retarded for event of water. It is