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France 12.4.17
Dear Father
Well you will be wondering why I have neglected writing as often as before. Really the weather has been too cruel for writing one couldn't hold the pen. Have always been telling myself I must write but that is as far as I used to get. Well I have just been discharged from Hospital. Not wounded this time only a few boils & septic sores. I have had about three weeks from the Batt altogether moving from one place to another. I eventually reached Rouen was hoping they would send me across to England again but no such luck. I hadint a chance of seeing anything of Rouen except from the Ambulance. It is a fairly large place from the little I saw that is the buisness part The Residental part appears to be built on the side of a hill on the outskirts of the town but I cant give you any description of the place as I hadint a chance of seeing it. At present I am in our Base Depot waiting to be returned to my Batt. The morning I arrived at the Hospital at Roen I was waiting along with others to be examined by the Dr. when I heard some one call me by name. I looked around & I saw a friend of Berts Charlie Dixon he & Bert were together across in

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