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they finished the harvest. No Father the cards send don't always indicate we are in action if there isn't anything to write about I usually send a card just to let you see I am alright. We can usually get a letter away. The mail goes just the same whether we are in the trenches or not. But when in the firing line one doesent always feel like sitting down to write a letter & the cards are very handy then. As for the hardships across here well it isint exactley what we have been used to but a bit of roughing doesint hurt anyone & the war isent going to last always. We knock out a lot more fun amongst ourselves than you think. All agree very well of course we haven't any theatres etc. to go to but when you are not serving you are usually glad to go & lay down. One gets a fair amount of broken sleep. But the Germans are not faring any better than we are. There is some consolation that. There are times one says they wish they were out of it all but that feeling soon passes off & you forget all about it. We always console ourselves with thoughts of the times we are going to have when we bag the Kaiser & get back to Sunny N.S. Wales as I am afraid the war isent all over yet but one of these days we shall make a move. It We will keep Germany thinking then I will bet

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