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the desert but that is all part of this game. Well I have written to Olga Giles this mail wrote her once before from Egypt. Also posted her some cards which she evidently hasent received. I haven't had any letter from her at all so far. I am glad the parcel arrived safely I shall send you some more things across at the first chance I get. One can get some very good curioes here but they are so heavy to carry about with you that is the trouble. Now about this M.G.section there isn't any need to worry about it. I don't see myself that there is any more danger I have in the infantry of coarse if you are doing any firing you draw more fire than a rifle would if there is a charge going to be made they like to put the M.G.s out of action if they can. We have all to take our chance, When I first joined all the old Galipoli hands spoke of it as a real death trap. Well we did fifteen days in the trenches & were using our guns all the time but we didn't lose any one. Of coarse thee arent the same chances of promotion that there are in the Inftry but had I been wanting stripes I could have had them before leaving Liverpool as you know. I think I told you Sargt Littler has his commission now. I was speaking to him only the other day

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