Giles papers, 9 May 1914-13 May 1919 / Arthur Clyde Giles - Page 259

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I am not going into detail about it again. Have just added this bit in case the other letter doesent reach you. You can see what is what for me as it takes such a time to get a letter across here especially now I am unattached. It is hard to say how long my mail will be finding me. when I leave here I wrote the N.Z. Base records office about Sloane the only information they were abel to give is that he was killed on the 4th Dec 17. Rather a strange coincidence he should be killed the same date as I was wounded only two months later. I was awfully sorry to hear it. But that is usually the way any one that has a long run without getting wounded they usually get the full issue. He had lost his nerve also he was a different man when last I saw him to what he used to be. Although I dare say we all wear rather a strained look when on the job. It tells on anyone in the long run. We are only human after all &amp: there is a limit to what any one can stand. I received a very nice letter from Bell Chamber's cousin recently. I wrote her sympathising with her about Ted being killed this was an answer to my letter. She asked me to write &amp: let her know how I was faring. So that makes one

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