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[Page 373]

either to the Crown or to the neighbouring larger Landholders, who are subjected to continual & systematic trespass. If it be sought to keep the small purchasers to the limits of his purchased land and the adjoining Common, by the feeding of cattle in that direction they unavoidably become intermixed with the herd of motley brands and the evil is increased if sheep feeding be resorted to, as a check to encroachment, scab or catarrh will be almost certain consequences if approaching the Common the virus of those malignant diseases being communicable with out the actual presence of diseased animals.

To become competitors for the small allotments would be in obvious violation of the spirit & policy of the Land Regulations, and would be ruinous of the larger proprietors more especially in the present circumstances of the labour market, and in the face of the increasing difficulties to be provided against, in consequence of the Gold discovery.

We have to apologise for the length to which this communication has already extended. Our object is not to create difficulties, or to impute blame. We seek only to bring under the consideration of the Executive facts and circumstances beyond the scope of the ordinary official routine as regards the setting out and reporting upon portions of the Crown Lands applied for, for purchase, and which may have escaped the notice of the Surveyor General, or

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