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Minutes of a conversation between His Excellency the Governor, and I Leiut Macarthur, on Wednesday the 8th October 1823. ---

I called at Government House to pay my respects to his Excellency.  After the usual enquiries His Excellency asked in the most friendly manner after Mr Macarthur's health and expressed great concern upon my informing him that Mr Macarthur was suffering from indisposition.  His Excellency asked when I should see Mr Macarthur and said "I have received a communication from him relative to the land in the Cowpastures and I am very sorry that I cannot at this time grant him the 5000 acres as reference had been made to Lord Bathurst.  I must wait for a reply. But you will oblige me by giving my best respects to Mr Macarthur and tell him that I shall feel much pleasure by his in the meantime taking a Lease of the 5000 acres together with all or any other portion of the land in the Cowpastures now advertised to let for seven years, and I shall bind myself on the part of the Government to refund to Mr Macarthur any rent he may pay should the matter of reference to Lord Bathurst's office be decided in his favour.  But the chances are that Mr Macarthur will be in possession of the 5000 acres long before he can be called upon to pay any rent."  His Excellency continued "I have mentioned to Major Goulburn yesterday that this was the only plan I could fall upon at present to put Mr Macarthur in possession of the Lands.   I beg you will also convey to Mr Macarthur the fullest assurance of my sincere friendship and support.  There is not another individual in the Colony who has equal claims with Mr Macarthur   He has done more good for the Colony than all the rest put together"

On Friday the 10th I dined at Government House and took an opportunity before dinner to mention to His Excellency that I punctually delivered his message to Mr Macarthur.  He expressed

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