Volume 66: Macarthur family correspondence relating to land, 1819-1881: No. 214
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[Page 214]
been industriously created amongst them that His Excellency was the Opposer of all your measures for the advancement of the Colony, which impression appearances were certainly not at all calculated to weaken; that to do away with it therefore you would be happy to see him at Camden before the sailing of the Corvette and requested that His Ex. G. would invite Captain Du Perret, Monsr DeOrville, Monsr D'Essons and as many more of the Officers as could make it conveniently to come, together with His Exly Staff. He caught at it immediately; and expressed the greatest pleasure, saying that he would fix a day after the departure of the Ocean.
I then begged for a copy of the original address from the Agricl Society to Mr Field wh he promised me and I took my leave in doubt what to think.
William returned from Sydney with Bowman & Mary last night. He saw Mr Oxley, whose conversation was by no means satisfactory & quite corroborates Sir Thos statement about him, But Wm will tell all them.
He returns with Dample, I shall detain Hibbard here until the Gazettes arrive this evening, when I hope some communication from the Secretary will make it's appearance. Adieu; My dear father, until Evening.
May I then have good tidings to send you.
Yr affect Son
Jas Macarthur
[Cross hatching]
Badham made his appearance here yesterday evening. I could not listen to him but ordered him to return immediately to Camden. I will call on the Langs tomorrow to enquire for the young Scotch man they mentioned to you.
Wm will tell you of Dr Douglas's resignation. What does this bode? Is the Friend going?
I send a copy of the Governors' reply through Fennell to my note respecting the address. Was there ever a weaker production? Poor man. He is weak himself & weak in his friends. Murdoch the only man of talent amongst them, instead of being brought forward as he deserves, is made a Slave Driver at Emu Plains, under the Title of Mr Peter Murdoch, Gent: But we must be patient, & hope for better things, amongst wh. Rain & the Guilford stand foremost. They will probably come together the first Southerly Wind.