Volume 66: Macarthur family correspondence relating to land, 1819-1881: No. 146
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Copy of Letter to Major Goulburn
Parramatta Febry 12th 1823
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 27th instant, informing me that his Excellency the Governor is ready to cause the Surveyor General to measure for me, five thousand acres of Land, endorsed by my Lord Bathurst, in the westward of the Grants held by my Two Sons, and to the Southward of the Grant, I received in payment for a Flock of Rams. As the whole of the Land, which His Excellency the Governor proposes to Grant, is without water - is exceedingly mountainous, and dangerously precipitous - no part of it, of good quality, and a great portion of the tract rocky and barren: insomuch, that it would be of little value to me, and of less, to any other person, I will respectfully beg leave to decline accepting His Excellency, Sir Thomas Brisbane's offer. Nor will I again trouble him upon the subject, until a further explanation shall have been made to The Earl Bathurst. I have the Honor to remain, Sir, Your most obt Hbe Servant
J Macarthur