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No 68                                                                              No.8

Colonial Secretary's Office   
Sydney Jany 2nd 1824


Your letter of the 27th of last month acquainting me that you are desirous to explain yourself on the contents of my communication of the 6th ultimo to His Excellency Sir Thomas Brisbane in person, and that you propose in consequence, early in the ensuing week soliciting the Honor of an interview having been laid before the Governor.

I am directed to have the Honor to acquaint you, that His Excellency declines the visit you intend him, past experience not justifying the conclusions you have drawn that a personal interview would lead to explanation.  It will give Sir Thomas Brisbane great pleasure, however, to consider with every attention any observations which you may deem it advisable to forward by the present messenger.  But beyond his early return the Governor feels sorry a due consideration to the just interest of the other applicants will not allow him to postpone the arrangement on the subject of leasing the Cowpastures which have been in agitation for so many months

I have the Honor to be
Your most obedient
Humble Servant
F. Goulburn

John Macarthur Esqr

Current Status: 
Ready for review