Item 10: General William Holmes diary, 23 August 1914-22 February 1915 - Page 45
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At 9-15 A.M. the Brigadier visited Vice-Admiral; Patey on board the "Berrima" [Australia?] and was informed that authority had been received from Head Quarters, Melbourne, for his appointment as Administrator of German New Guinea, and further that it is intended to leave Rabaul on Tuesday, 22nd Septr., for Friedrich Wilhelmshafen.
All prisoners on board were interviewed by the Brigadier; the terms of capitulation were explained, and an opportunity given each - with the exception of Government Officials whose service will not be required - to take the oath of neutrality. 21 took the oath, of whom 5 are being retained in their civil positions without alteration to pay, to act in an advisory capacity only for a period of 3 months. Those to whom the oath of neutrality was not administered were given parole on shore and will be deported later on. Two prisoners are still on board the "Berrima".
At Rabaul Church Parade was held, being attended by troops from "Berrima" and those on shore at Rabaul. The Roman Catholics assembled at the Officers' Mess (late German Club) and the Protestant Denominations in Proclamation Square.
At noon Capt. Twynam returned from the North-west Coast and reported that the natives fled on his approach; they are not armed but are becoming troublesome.
3-30 p.m. The Brigade Major (Major Heritage) left for Herbertshohe to represent the Brigadier when the Governor capitulates to-morrow.
Capt. Fry arrived by the "Fantome" and reported at 4-0 p.m. He has taken up the position of Treasurer, and all Government monies captured handed over to him.
P.M.O. reports the health of all troops excellent.
The Provost Marshal is at present at Herbertshohe making Police arrangements there.
During the day a mail was received from the "Fantome".