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Football Match.
On Saturday, the 14th inst., the Naval Reserve Soccer Team under Petty Officer Lonergan, journeyed from Herbertshohe, and played a representative team from "D" Company. The visitors were met on arrival by the secretary, Corporal Graham. After a keenly contested match, and much to the surprise of the local lads, the visitors won easily, the final scores being: Herbertshohe, captained by A.B. Stubbs, 4 goals; "D" Company, captained by B. Bullock, 1 goal. Arrangements are being made to play the Naval team a return match at Herbertshohe on the 21st inst., and as "D" Company's team are doing plenty of hard training for this match, it is almost certain that the scores will be easily reversed when the teams meet again.
At the conclusion of the match the visitors were entertained at a banquet and smoke social, held in the Signalers' Quarters. Sergeant T.L. Gitsham, chairman of "D" Company's Sports Club, occupied the chair.
The chairman, in a few well chosen remarks, welcomed the visitors to Rabaul, and trusted that the short time they spent in Rabaul would be a pleasant one, also when "D" Company visited Herbertshohe, the same sportsmanlike spirit would prevail, and that the best team would win. After the usual toasts were drank an adjournment was made to the balcony when a musical evening was given, at which the following contributed items:- Petty Officer Lonergan. Sergeant Gitsham, Messrs. Bullock, Stubbs, McGlashan, Milne, Brown, Martin, Besson, Johnson, and Loan. The accompaniments were played by Bugler Chapman in his usual first class style. The singing of Auld Lang Syne and the National Anthem, brought a very pleasant evening to a close.
Entertainment by the Flying Column.
Two concerts have been successfully carried out by the Flying Column since our last issue. At both of these the individual turns were of a very high order and would have been enjoyed by any gathering of music lovers. The structure in which the concerts have been given - styled as the "Cafe-de-Tray-Bit" - was far too small to accommodate the would-be patrons. Great difficulties had to be surmounted in order that a suitable stage might be made and the results reflects great credit upon those responsible for the work. The first half of both these entertainment comprised a lengthy list of solos, recitations, monologues, etc., and every item was well received - encores being in great demand. The second part of the programme on both occasions brought to light original dramatic sketches. These proved to be thrilling and nerve-tingling. The piece staged at the second night's show had a local setting and was quite in keeping with present surroundings, being a realistic and up-to-date military episode - the title being "Lost and Found." The authors of these sketches - Privates Davis, Martin, Thompson, Poynting and Ballington - are to be congratulated upon the good work they have put into these pieces. Space forbids a detailed account, but one and all present voted the entertainment as excellent and hope that the men of the Left Half will not be content to rest on their laurels but will Endeavour to surpass these efforts to entertain their comrades.
British Consul.
In the last issue of the "Government Gazette" the British Consul, Mr F.R. Jolley, was incorrectly referred to as British Vice-Consul. Mr. Jolley's appointment as Consul covers the whole of the Colony officially known as German New Guinea. Mr. Scott is the Vice-Consul and his headquarters are at Yap.
Mails left on November 9th for Kieta, Namatanai, and Kawieang.
Mails left for Sydney on 10th November, per "S.S. Matunga," and on 14th November, per "S.S. Messina."
A number of biscuits have been posted here for Sydney. These cannot be transmitted as no food stuff can be enclosed with mail matter. The biscuits in question are now at the Post Office and will be returned to owners on application.
Arrangements have been made for a limited amount of private correspondence to be dispatched by wireless to Australia at the rate of 3d per word plus Commonwealth land line charges.
Telegrams are to be sent through the Postmaster in the usual way and they will be forwarded as opportunity offers. No responsibility will be taken.
By Authority - Lieut. J. Lying,
Government Printer.