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[Page 219]

Officers and other ranks willing to re-engage for services until the end of the war:-

Naval Contingent:
Lt. Col. Bracegirdle
Lt. Gillam.
Lt. Webber
Sub-Lt. Buller
Mr Young
Mr. Hunter

Petty Officers ...10
Men .... 22             Total 38.

Capt. McPherson
Lt. McDowell.
2nd Lt. Quinn
2nd Lt. Bruce
2nd Lt. Johnson
2nd. Lt. Collins
2nd. Lt. Penly
2nd  Lt. Blackett
2nd  Lt. Anderson.

NCOs....      8
Men ....      25        Total    42      Grand Total - 80

Officers filling Administrative positions:

Name                                 Office                         Reply
Capt. C.G. Manning           Act. Judge                    No
Capt. W. Fry                        Treasurer                     No
Lt. Whittle                            D. Works                     Yes to any extent
Lt. Goadby                           D. Lands & Surveys    No
Capt. Twynam                      Police                          No
Lt. Manning                          Native Affairs              Yes
Sergt. Moore                         Post-master               Yes
Comm. Lambton                   K.H. Master                No
Lt. Heritage                           Govt. Stores               No
Sergt. Lane                           Court Secty.                No
Capt. Ravenscroft                 Provost Mar'l              Yes - as Provost Marshal



Current Status: 