Item 10: General William Holmes diary, 23 August 1914-22 February 1915 - Page 268
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The "Matunga" arrived soon after daylight, having on board Lieut. MacLachlan, Captains Byrne and Fitzherbert, A.M.C. 95 Infantry and 27 Naval Reserves - 124 all told - being portion of the garrison relieved from Frederick Wilhelmshafen. These men were immediately transferred to the "Sumatra", which is now out in the stream, in view of the Medical Officer's report referred to in diary of 30th December.
The despatch forwarded from here by the Administrator by S.S. "Matunga" a/d to Major Martin, was opened by Lieut. MacLachlan in the absence of Major Martin, who at that time was away up the Sepek River. The Commander of the Destroyers (Comm. Cumberlege) immediately despatched a Destroyer to inform Major Martin, and it is expected the remainder of his men will return by the "Siar" and "Nusa".
At 10 a.m. H.M.S. "Fantome" and S.S. "Eastern" arrived with relieved garrison from Nauru. Major Heritage reported that Mr. Workman had arrived at Nauru about 3 days prior to the arrival of the "Eastern". He has taken up the position of Administrator at that place on behalf of the Administrator here.
The detail of 12 men for the Admiralty Island Garrison on board the "Eastern" were not landed at Manus, owing to the diversion of the vessel as mentioned in diary of 27th December.
Major Strangman, who is taking up the duties of P.M.O. vice Major Maguire, has reported to the Administrator that the majority of the Troops are affected with Malaria, and he is increasing the daily dose of quinine to 1 Dram, as he is of the opinion that on the return of the Troops to a cooler climate the effect of Malaria will become more pronounced.
Additional Patients were admitted to hospital to-day, suffering from Malaria.