Item 10: General William Holmes diary, 23 August 1914-22 February 1915 - Page 31
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FRIDAY - 4th AUGUST 1914 [4th September]
Early morning parade: Cleaning ship and Physical Drill.
Fore and Afternoon parade: All Units were engaged at Rifle Exercises, Musketry Instruction, Bayonet Drill and Lectures - one Coy. of the Naval Reserve working Ship.
9-32 a.m H.M.A.S. "Sydney" signalled "Berrima" to be ready to discharge 12,600 lbs of beef, and 8,400 lbs potatoes to the "Kanowna" at Port Moresby.
Land (Papua) sighted at 5-50 p.m and a general signal to the Fleet to anchor as convenient off Granville was received at 6-10 p.m
7.20 p.m. "Berrima" anchored at Granville, Port Moresby.
10-45 p.m Signal message received from the "Encounter" as follows: -
"You are to proceed to Fairfax Harbour as convenient "after daylight to-morrow."
P.M.O. Reports that the salt water for flushing the washout in the Isolation Hospital required attention. There are no serious cases of sickness.