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The "Elax" left at daylight, followed later by the "Yarra", and the "Nusa" and "Siar" having been ordered to rendezvous at a certain place, left at 9-30 a.m.

With reference to the resignation of German Officials referred to in yesterday's diary, the Administrator has decided to accept all the resignations, but has called upon the Officials concerned to fulfil their contracts with him, failing which they are [to] refund the amount of salary advanced to them beyond the date of their ceasing duty; they will be placed on parole, and required to report themselves daily to the Provost Marshal, and will be sent to Sydney first opportunity. With regard to Doctors Wick and Kersten of the European and Native Hospitals in Rabaul, the Administrator has informed them that he requires them to continue their duties until the arrival of their successors.

The "Meklong" returned from Matupi, having undergone repairs.

Following reply received to message despatched to the Minister of Defence by Administrator, and referred to in diary of 25th Novr., relative to the position of the Administrator on arrival here of Colonel Pethebridge:-
"Your telegram 1100 received. Assume same despatched before receipt my telegram w 7155 of 24th Novr., which I think makes position clear - Secretary Defence."

The following message was despatched from "Yarra":-
"Arrived with "Elax" today (1st). Your message 0015 received."

Health of the Troops is fairly good. A message was received from Frederick Wilhelmshafen to the effect that the health of the Troops there is unsatisfactory; there are two cases of black water fever, one serious.

Current Status: 