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At 12-30 a.m. the following message was received from the Navy Office: -

"Please report as to safety and general condition Japanese Residents, Isokich Komine, Boat Builder, and employees Kagyo Coy., others South Pacific Enterprise Coy."

Reply despatched that    Isokich Komine and his Employees are safe.

No report has been received from the "Nusa", but it is expected she is proceeding to search the coast in the vicinity of Tawanakus Bay.

The Administrator has arranged for the issue of Paper Currency to the amount of  £5,000, for which a gold reserve will be held in the Treasury.

The stamps seized from the late German Administration have been marked with the Royal Initial Letters G.R.I. and a complete set forwarded to His Majesty the King (through the Right Hon. Sir George Reid), and the  Prime Minister of Australia.   The stamps will be on sale to the troops.

Lieut. Creswell, F.W.T.O., is making arrangements to bring additional equipment from Bita Paka for the wireless station here.   Motor Lorry will be despatched on Tuesday next for this purpose.

In reply to message of 9th instant to Navy Board in respect to movements of Japanese Fleet the following was received: -
"Japanese First Squadron believed still to be in Marshall Islands; 2nd Squadron due Pelew Group 10th Octr. and will search Celebes Sea - Navy Office."

At 8-55 p.m. a message was received from Navy Office: -
"Please state whether Rabaul W/T Station heard any station working, low telefunken note, at 1-35 and 2-20 this morning, 9th Octr., 550 metres wavelength."

A reply was received to message despatched to  Colonel Murray, Papua, on the 9th instant, as follows: -
"To Colonel Holmes: Congratulations upon your occupation - Murray."

At 8-40 p.m. the following message was received: -
"Captain of the  "Moresby" has packet containing champagne (?) copies secret German Mercantile Code ----a/d to V.A.C., also envelope containing key to same code.   Retain one copy of each for your use and forward remainder to V.A.C. in care of "Moresby".   Keep code secret - Navy Office."

The men injured in the explosion which occurred at Rabaul on  the 7th instant are progressing favorably.   Health of Troops at Rabaul and Herbertshohe is good.


Current Status: 