Item 10: General William Holmes diary, 23 August 1914-22 February 1915 - Page 350
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suit clothing, which they had been wearing without change for 3 weeks; the boots are ill-fitting, and the men are obliged to wear private boots which are in a bad state of repair; no tents, hammocks, or mosquito nets have been provided; very little instruction has been given on board; the discipline on board is unsatisfactory; shore provisions, of which 30 days supply only were taken on board, are now being drawn upon, and the men compelled to eat their meals while sitting on the decks, as no mess tables have been supplied. Copy of the Brigadier's letter to R.A.C. is attached.
4-15 p.m. Lt.-Col. Howse, A.M.C., delivered a lecture to all Officers on the "Berrima" on the prevention of tropical diseases. Through some misunderstanding several of the Naval Reserve Officers were absent, and the lecture will be given again for their benefit.
Attached is a list of stationery, clothing, etc, purchased on requisition at Port Moresby and taken on board to-day.
The following Signalling Equipment was transferred from "Kanowna" to "Berrima":-
2 Begbie Lamps.
2 Sets Heliographs.
2 Telescopes
1 H.P. Lens missing.
3 Message Bags.
No Heliographs were obtained from Port Moresby as was mentioned in yesterday's diary.
P.M.O. reports that there are no serious cases of illness.