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At 11-0 a.m. the "Matunga" departed for Friedrich Wilhelmshafen on business for Burns, Philp & Coy. Ltd., having on board despatches and stores for the Garrison at this place under the command of Major Martin.
Engineer Lieut. Cresswell, Fleet Wireless Officer, was also on board, taking with him an engine, which was purchased from Mr. Louri of Rabaul, which is to be installed at the Wireless Station at Wilhelmshafen, which up to date had been unable to efficiently transact business with Port Moresby or Rabaul.
One thousand five hundred ( £1,500) pounds in gold were despatched by this vessel for payment of troops at Friedrich Wilhelmshafen.
Instructions have been issued for the "Matunga" to call at French Island, hoist British Flag and administer oath of neutrality to any German Residents that may be there.
The health of the Troops is satisfactory.