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This morning communication was satisfactorily established with Thursday Island, and a message was sent to the Minister for Defence, Melbourne, that all was well at Rabaul and Herbertshohe.
A report was received on the Government Printing Office from Mr. Lyng. It is intended to publish a gazetted twice monthly. The first issue will be made on the 15th instant.
The following is a list of German Officials retained for the present by the Administration.: -
Weber Judge
Grunbach Clerk of Court
Grundler Treasury
Weller Post-master, Rabaul.
Brideman Botanical Gardens
Hoheisle Post/master, Herbertshohe.
Kohler do do
An explosion occurred at Rabaul and 4 men of "A" Coy. sustained injuries, viz: -
Private James - Severely wounded right shoulder.
do Guard - do head and leg.
do Lee - Minor injuries.
do Howard - do
Captain Maguire operated on Privates James and Guard this evening. The former's condition is critical. Otherwise the health of the troops is very satisfactory.
The Japanese Ships have been working continuously by wireless, and the signals are very strong.