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Government Gazette.
Rabaul, 15th October, 1914.
The Military Government of New Britain.
By Colonel W. HOLMES, D.S.O., V.D.
Brigadier Commanding,
11th September 1914.
1. All inhabitants are to submit to the directions of officers of the occupying force.
2. Inhabitants are forbidden to be out of doors any night between the hours of 10 p.m. and 3 a.m. without special permits.
3. Inhabitants are forbidden to hold or attend meetings.
4. No newspaper, circular, or printed matter is to be printed, published or issued without permission.
5. No spirituous or intoxicating liquor shall be manufactured or sold without permission.
6. Descriptions of all privately owned boats and vehicles are to be handed in at once to the Provost Marshal of the occupying force.
7. It is forbidden to injure or cut the telegraph or telephone lines. If the telegraph or telephone lines are injured and the offender cannot be discovered, a fine will be imposed on the inhabitants of the neighbourhood where the damage was inflicted.
Brigade Major.
Banking Business
It is notified for general information that arrangements have been made for the transaction of ordinary banking business at the Treasury, for the convenience of Naval, military and civil population, and accounts to be operated upon by cheques may now be opened. A Saving Bank has also been opened at the same place for the use of the troops, at which, amounts from 5 marks upwards may be deposited. Arrangements are also in progress for the transmission of money by draft to Australia through the Commonwealth Bank of Australia at the ordinary rates of exchange. As soon as such arrangement have been perfected the fact will be duly announced. The Administrator has been been pleased to authorise the issue of Treasury Notes which will be accepted as legal tender throughout the Colony during the present Military Administration.
Postage Stamps.
The postage stamps of the late German Administration seized at the Post Office, Rabaul, after British Military occupation, have been endorsed with the Royal initial letters G.R.I. and their respective values altered as found necessary. In future all letters posted from the garrisons of Rabaul and Herbertshohe will require, before being accepted for transmission by mail, to have affixed to same the necessary stamps, which may be obtained on application to the Postmaster at each place.
Government Gazette.
Literary contributions for publication in future issues of the Government Gazette are invited from members of the Expeditionary Force, to be addressed to The Editor, Government Gazette, Administration Headquarters, Rabaul.
Administration Communications.
In future no communications on matters of Administration will receive consideration unless written in the English language:
Continuation of Services of Certain Officials of Late German Administration.
The Administrator has approved of the services of the following officials of the late German administration, who have duly subscribed to the oath of neutrality, being retained in an advisory capacity for a period not exceeding three months, from the 12th September, 1914, at the same rate of salary as they formerly received from the late German Administration:- Herr Gustav Weber, Judge; Herr F. Grumbach, Clerk of Court; Herr Eugen Grundler, Treasury; Herr Karl Weller, Post-Master, Rabaul; Herr Otto Hoheisel, Post-Master, Herbertshohe; Dr. Bredemann, Botanic Gardens; Herr Anton Schultz, Customs; Herr George Becke, Surveyor Herbertshohe; Herr Kuno Kohler, Surveyor Herbertshohe.
Administrator's Hours for Transaction of Official Business.
The Administrator will attend daily, Sunday's excepted, at the Administration Headquarters, Rabaul, for the transaction of official business, between the hours of 8 and 11 a.m. Persons requiring interviews with him will arrange with the Military Secretary. Business of an urgent nature may be transacted outside these hours on communication with Government House.
Military Secretary.
Government House, Rabaul.
12th October, 1914.