Item 10: General William Holmes diary, 23 August 1914-22 February 1915 - Page 112

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p.m. conference until noon on 17th September, on which date the parleying was continued and definite terms and conditions arrived at, and an Agreement signed.

The terms  of Capitulation were, shortly, as follows:

All military resistance to the Military occupation of German New Guinea by the British Forces to cease at once.
German and Native Forces in the  field to surrender with Military honors at Herbertshohe on 21st September, 1914.
On the Governor giving his parole, no obstacle to be placed in the way of his returning to Germany.
Officers of the  Regular German Forces to be treated as Prisoners of War.
Officers and Non Commissioned Officers (except Officials of the German Government), whose ordinary occupation is Civil,on taking the oath of neutrality to be released and permitted to return to their homes and ordinary avocations.  
For the safety of the white population, that portion of the Native Constabulary forming part of the German Forces in the  Field, if found satisfactory, to be transferred to the military Administration to act as police.
All monies and properties of the late German Administration   to be handed over to the Brigadier Commanding the British Forces of occupation.
Existing laws and customs to remain in force so far as is consistent with the Military situation.
Civil Officials of the late German Administration, whose services are not retained in an advisory capacity, to be deported to Australia, but no obstacle placed in the way of subsequent return to Germany when possible.
Any British subjects held as prisoners to be released and returned to their homes.                                                                            Care to be taken of women and children of deported Officials and safe conduct to places where their men are.  

The surrender of the Governor and his forces took place at Herbertshohe on 21st September.

On the 22nd September at 9.45 a.m. the "Berrima" escorted by the "Australia", "Montcalm" and "Encounter", left Simpsonhafen for Friedrich Wilhelmshafen, which was reached on the 24th idem and occupied without opposition.   The German Flag was removed from the  flagstaff in front of the Administrative Buildings, and the Union Jack hoisted in its place and saluted.

Garrison Force consisting of half Company Naval Reserves, one and a half Companies of Infantry, and a detachment of A.M.C. under Major Martin was landed.

The Proclamation of the Brigadier was read and posted in various places.   All German residents, including 4 officials and 13 others, were taken  prisoners but were subsequently released on their taking the oath of neutrality.   The principal official was absent in the country.

Ships sailed from Friedrich Wilhelmshafen at 5.15 p.m. same day and reached Rabaul at 2.40 p.m. on 26th September.

In conclusion Colonel Holmes desires  to offer his sincere personal thanks to  every Officer, Warrant, Petty and non-commissioned officer and man of the Expeditionary Force under his command, for their loyal service and devotion to duty, without which the eminently successful results attained in such a marvellously short time after organisation, could not possibly have been achieved.

At the same time he regrets deeply that the operations have resulted in loss of life and the shedding of some of Australia's best blood, and he offers his sympathy and also the sympathy of all those under his command, to the relatives of those who have so nobly fallen.

By this time other troops in larger numbers, and perhaps accompanied by more glamour than attended our departure, have left Australia's shores to take their places alongside Britain's best troops in the Empire's struggle, and more will no doubt soon follow, but I ask the members of the Naval and Military Expeditionary Force to bear in mind that they were the first to respond to  the call of duty, prepared to serve anywhere without question, and that they have nobly achieved what was require of them in assisting to alter the face of the map by extending the red spots of which all Britishers are so justly proud.

The Sydney Newspapers which have so far reached us, by some mischance, appear to indicate that to the Royal Navy alone is due  the credit for  the  successful occupation of the German Possessions in the Pacific,   and I know that this has engendered a feeling of keen disappointment throughout all ranks, but too much importance need not be placed upon the published articles, which were written upon necessarily brief telegraphic messages from the Admiral.   Since that date, however, despatches containing full particulars have been received by ordinary mail in Australia which, together with the facts I have herein stated, will place matters in their correct light and cause honor and credit to be rendered where due.


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