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New Britain sighted at 6-0 a.m. At 1-5 p.m. the following signal message was received from Herbertshohe:-
"Lieut. Sampson and his ½ Coy. arrived here this morning with convoy. Can you send steamer convey party to Rabaul."
"Berrima" came alongside wharf at Simpsonhafen at 2-40 p.m.
Lt.Col. Paton, O.C. Garrison Rabaul, reports all quiet since our departure. 14 German Reservists from Friedrich Wilhelmshafen were received from Toma and were under guard, having to take oath of neutrality.
Captain Twynam, O.C. Native Police, summoned the Native Chiefs (Lului) on the Nortth-west Coast to meet him at Vuna Paka and had a talk with them. Everything is now quiet in that district.
Captain Fry, in charge of Treasury, received the money handed over by the Ex-Governor. It has not yet been counted but the total sum is over £20,000.
The Provost Marshal left yesterday for Mioko (Duke York Island) to investigate report that certain German Government stores had been buried there.
Captain Manning, Judge Advocate, has forwarded report on the laws and customs of the Colony.
Administrative Order issued that Lt-Col. Watson should command the troops of the Expedition until further advised.
During our absence at Friedrich Wilhelmshafen 2 German Officials and 29 other Prisoners were sent by the Oil Ship "Murex to Sydney under an Officer's guard (Lt. Partridge in charge).
Health of troops on board "Berrima", also at Rabaul and Herbertshohe reported excellent.
From midnight to time of arrival at Rabaul, the ship had travelled 166 nautical miles, making a grand total of 520 from Friedrich Wilhelmshafen.