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At 9-0 a.m.the Administrator held a conference of the Heads of each Department. Captain Fry, as Treasurer was given instructions to prepare a full statement of all financial matters. Lieut. Goadby, R.A.E., has been instructed to assume the position of Director of Works and be responsible for the upkeep of buildings, wharves, bridges, roads, telephones etc. Lieut. K. Heritage, as Officer in charge of Government Stores is to take charge of all stores and issue only on requisition. Approval has been given for Paymaster Livesay from H.M.A.S. "Berrima" to remain on shore. A Postmaster has been temporarily appointed at Rabaul and he is to submit a report on Postal matters; a supply of stamps from Australia is being arranged for. The Provost Marshal has been instructed to prepare a statement of all arms and ammunition collected. The Printing Office is to be utilised for the publication of Government Gazettes. Captain Twynam, O.C. native police, is to submit a report of work done to date, strength, and location of Police, organisation, pay due, horses available and sanitary arrangements. Lt.-Col. Watson, O.C. Troops, has been instructed to report an garrison and administrative arrangements at Herberttshohe.
At 10-0 a.m. the Administrator, in response to an urgent signal, proceeded to the Flagship to interview the V.A.C., who explained that under instructions from the Admiralty all vessels of the Australian Fleet and auxiliaries at present in Simpson Haven are to leave on Tuesday next for a base inside the barrier reef. A Japanese squadron will arrive here about the 9th prox. and make Simpson Haven their base. The "Koolonga" with prisoners and mail is to leave to-morrow at 4-0 p.m.
A Field General Court Martial was held - President Major Heritage, Members Captains Ralston and Thorold, Prisoner being Col.[our] Sergeant H. Langtry, "H" Company. The Court was adjourned until to-morrow to permit further evidence being taken.
The Administrator gave an official dinner to Commander Stevenson (Captain of "Berrima"), Lt.Col. Watson, O.C. Troops, and Lt.Col. Paton, O.C. Garrison, Rabaul.