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Lt.-Col. Watson O.C. Troops, forwarded his report to the Administrator in respect to the garrison arrangements at Herbertshohe.
Lt. Holmes left by car for Raulawat to bring in the motor car left behind by Von Blumenthal. He had not returned up to midnight.
The money received and checked by the Treasurer up to and including 2nd. October is as follows:-
Marks. Pfennigs.
Gold & Specie 331,340 90
Cheques New Guinea C.163,440 50
Drafts 18,467 45
Bills of Exchange 5,844 30
Total: 519,093 15
A set of books has been opened up and the Treasury debited with this amount, also a Savings Bank for the Troops. All Income Books of the late Administration have been translated into English, together with an official statement of estimate for 1914. Customs Book has been checked and accounts issued for outstanding amounts. A translation of books shewing Government property, land, buildings, and rents and taxes derived from same has been made.
The health of the troops continues satisfactory.