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dinner with them. Signalman must be in motor boat."
Appended is a list of promotions, appointments, etc. made on this date:-
Lieut. C.E. Manning 1st Infantry to be Captain.
Captain C.E. Manning to be Asst. Judge Advocate.
Routine Order No. 2
Capt. E. Twynam 1st Infantry to be Officer in charge of Native Police.
Lieut. L.B. Ravenscroft 1st Infantry to be Provost Marshal.
Lieut. K. Heritage 1st Infantry to be Supply and Transport Officer.
Super. 2nd. Lieut. L.K. Chambers ist infantry to be brought on the authorised establishment vice . C.E. Manning.
Attached is a copy of proclamation for the occupation of the Island of New Britain and its Dependencies, administration order to be issued, also operation order shewing force to garrrison Herbertshohe and Rabaul.
During the day troops were engaged at physical drill, rifle exercises, inspection and issue of kits and equipment. Mosquito Nets were also provided.
All Intelligence information received on New Britain has been collated and together with instructions and maps were issued to O.Cs commanding the garrisons at Herbertshohe and Rabaul.
The P.M.O. reports that there are no serious cases of illness. An additional detail consisting of a Sergeant and 4 men has been arranged to join Captain Pockley at Herbertshohe, with a full equipment of medical and surgical stores.
Attached is a copy of subject matter of lecture delivered by Colonel Howse on Tropical Diseases, etc.
At midnight the ship had sailed 263 miles. making a total of 887 since leaving Port Moresby.