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At 1-0 a.m. message was received from Colonel Watson stating he had reached Toma, and returned to Herbertshohe at 8-30 last night. No opposition was met with but a flag of truce with message from the Governor was received. The Governor arranged to meet the Brigadier at Herbertshohe at 11-0 a.m. Colonel Watson reports that the behaviour of the troops was excellent, and the accuracy of the "Encounter's" shelling was astonishing. Commander Beresford forwarded a detailed account of events of the 11th, 12th and 13th inst. The supposed advances of the Germans on the 13th at Herbertshohe proved to be only natives from the mission station near by out exercising. The Brigadier received a message from R.A.C. to confer with him with regard to the prisoners on board Flagship who were to be deported. The Brigadier arrived at the Flagship at 9-45 a.m.. From the Flagship he proceeded to Herbertshohe by motor boat, being accompanied by Commander Stevenson, and arrived there at 11-30 a.m. The Governor had arrived there at 10.30 a.m. and waited for the Brigadier. A long interview was held and the Brigadier finally put certain conditions to the Governor under which territory administered by him was to be surrendered. Time was allowed until Noon on Thursday, 17th inst., for the Governor to finally decide whether he will accept the conditions laid down. The Brigadier will again meet the Governor at Herbertshohe at the time stated to receive his answer. The Brigadier returned to the "Berrima" at the Pier, Rabaul, at 6-0 p.m.
The French Warship "Montcalm", with the French Admiral on board, arrived, took up anchorage in Simpsonhafen, and saluted the Port, which salute was returned by the "Encounter" - Time 3-0 p.m. The Brigadier has arranged to visit the French Admiral at 11-0 a.m. to-morrow.
Captain Lewin "Encounter" visited the Brigadier and conferred with him as to the date of commencing operations for the occupation of Friedrich Wilhelmshafen.
The "Australia, "Sydney" and "Melbourne" left for Sydney this afternoon to escort the Australian Expedition to Europe.