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At 7-15 a.m. Officers of the Infantry paraded on the Flying Deck for instruction in Sword Exercises under Major Heritage. Naval and Infantry Companies engaged in Physical Exercises.
9-00 a.m. Three Companies of the Naval Contingent, together with two Companies of Infantry, Machine Gun and Signalling Sections, and a Detachment of the A.M.C., landed on Palm Island. Mid-day rations were carried, also 5 rounds per rifle for Infantry and 200 rounds for each Machine Gun. Musketry grouping practice, skirmishing and attack formations, and Company drill were carried out by each Unit independently. The Troops returned to the Ship at 4-30 p.m.
6-00 p.m. The mail was closed, two mail bags of letters being sealed ready for despatch. At 8-0 p.m. word was received from H.M.A.S. "Sydney" that the mail would not be despatched until 10-30 a.m. to-morrow.
P.M.O. reports that, with the exception of one case of Pneumonia, there are no serious cases of sickness, but most of the men onboard are suffering more or less from a mild form of Influenza.