Item 10: General William Holmes diary, 23 August 1914-22 February 1915 - Page 33

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At 6-30 a.m. Submarine AE1. was sighted and she made fast alongside H.M.A.S. "Sydney" at 7-15 a.m.   AE2 was sighted at 7-20 a.m. and made fast at 8-0 a.m.

All Units were engaged at Physical Drill and Rifle Exercises during the early morning parade.

At 9-0 a.m. the "Sydney" signalled the Fleet - "Prepare for sea; raise steam for 12 ½ knots by 4-0 p.m. and report when ready to proceed.

The work done during the day consisted of Rifle Exercises. Musketry Instruction, Company Drill and Instruction - one Coy. of the Naval Force working ship.

At 3-50 p.m. received the following signal messages from the "Sydney": -

From Navy Office to "Sydney", 1st Septr. 5-10 p.m:
"With reference to my telegram 1205, 31st Aug.; "Warrego" reports "Kanowna" requires to be completed with water from a Cruiser before she is able to leave.   R.A.C. desires she will accompany the Expedition. Please arrange."

R.A.C. to "Sydney", 2nd Septr. 2-45 p.m.
"I propose in first instance to land at Rabaul and Herbertshohe and take wireless station at that place.   Please consider this in consultation with Officer Commanding Troops;   also consider number of [space] required and provisions, stores, etc. for occupying Auguai, Yap Island, and Nauru.   "Sydney" and "Encounter" are to prepare customary mine sweeping apparatus."

At 3-50 p.m. the Submarines were under weigh;   at 4-0 p.m. The Fleet weighed anchor ad at 4-3 p.m. was under weigh.   The order of the Fleet was single line ahead.
"Sydney" leading, with a Submarine on each flank.
Followed by: -
"Encounter"   "Berrima" and   Aorangi"

A wireless message was despatched from the "Sydney" to the "Warrago" as follows: -
"Expect to arrive Port Moresby 4th Septr.   Have oil for Government and plenty fresh  provisions."

P.M.O. reports a insufficiency of salt water for flushing latrines aft before 8-0 a.m.   A decided improvement was noticed in the cleanliness of the latrines during the day. There are no cases of infectious disease, and all patients are doing well.

At mid-night the Ship had travelled 95 nautical miles since leaving Palm Island.

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