Item 10: General William Holmes diary, 23 August 1914-22 February 1915 - Page 30

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An additional supply of stationary, and about 400 new suits of dungarees for the "Kanowna" Troops, are being requisitioned for from the stores at Port Moresby.   A set of Heliographs is also being obtained.

The Brigadier returned to the "Berrima" at 3-30 p.m.

3-50 p.m.   The following message was received from the "Sydney" -  

Following received from "Flag": -
"Flag" to "Sydney" my 1905 of 30th Aug.
"After "Kaituna" is discharged she is no longer required.   Collier "Wybora" from Noumea due Rendezvous, Lat. 11-27 South, Long. 154-33 East A.M. 9th Aug.   Before leaving Port Moresby you are to embark 50 men from "Kanowna" to be detailed in two parties to seize wireless station ...........(words missed by W.T.) will follow.   Arrange accordingly with officer Commanding Troops."

5-15 p.m.   "Kanowna" finished loading provisions from "Berrima".

6-40 p.m.   General signal was received: -
"There will be an opportunity of sending a mail by S.S. "Kaituna".   Torres Straits Pilot not required - should take passage."

In consequence of this message Captain Bruce on board "Berrima" was transferred to the "Kaituna".   A mail bag was made up and despatched by 9-15 p.m.

Arrangements were made for the Chaplain of the "Encounter" to conduct Divine Service for Protestants at 11-0 a.m. to-morrow.

P.M.O. reports that there were no serious cases of illness.   The deficiency in the Medical Stores on board the "Kanowna" have been made up from Stores on "Berrima".

At 9-20 a.m. the following message was received from H.M.A.S. "Sydney": -
"Reference 50 men from "Kanowna" to "Sydney"; R.A.C. now telegraphs the 2 wireless stations referred to are at Herbertshohe.   The men should be detailed from Troops who will eventually occupy that place."

Arrangements had been made for the 50 men from the "Kanowna" mentioned in signal received at 3-50 p.m. to carry out the instructions therein contained.   In view of this  message a detachment from the Naval Reserve has been detailed to go on  board the "Sydney" for Herbertshohe.

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