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At 9-0 a.m. the Administrator sent for Mr. Taifert, General Manager of the New Guinea Coy., and placed him under arrest, informing him that he intended to deport him from the Colony on the grounds that he was an 'undesirable' and was a disturbing element in Rabaul. He was placed on board the "Meklong" and allowed no communication whatever with any outsiders. He will be sent away under close arrest on the "Moresby", which leaves to-morrow. Copy of the report of the interview between the Administrator and Messrs. Taifert and Mirrow, and subsequent actions taken, is attached.
Permission was given Dr. Couppe', R.C. Mission Herbertshohe, to proceed to New Ireland and convey provisions for his Stations there.
The Administrator directed that the Mail Bags by the "Moresby" a/d H.M.A.S. "Australia" be opened, as it was thought despatches for the Administrator may have been inadvertently placed in the Mail Bags for the Flagship. No despatches for the Administrator were, however, found in these bags.
A survey of the district in and around Herbertshohe has been commenced.
Report was received from the P.M.O. recommending the establishment of a Department of Public Health, and Lieut. McDowell has been asked to furnish a report upon the sanitary arrangements necessary.
No word received from Major Heritage.
Health of the troops continues satisfactory.