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Major Heritage arrived in the "Nusa" at daylight, accompanied by the "Siar", "Matupi" and "Senta". He repored that he visited Kawieng, posted copies of proclamation and administered oath of neutrality to the majority of the Germans in Kawieng. He afterwards proceeded to the place where the "Siar" was in hiding, and captured without opposition the three vessels mentioned. Lieut. Holmes, with a small party, was left to administer Kawieng temporarily. The German Chief Commissioner and the Treasurer were brought to Rabaul by Major Heritage, together with the British Consul (Mr. Jolly), who had been kept at Kawieng as a prisoner. It has been decided to send a force to occupy Kawieng and Captain Thorold has been selected to take charge. He will be accompanied by Lieut. Sampson, three Non-commissioned Officers and 22 men. and will leave early on Monday next in the "Madang. The P.M.O., Capt. Twynam (O.C. Native Police), and Capt. Manning (Asst. Judge Advocate General) will also proceed to Kawieng by the "Madang", and after making necessary arrangements in connection with their respective Departments, will return with Lieut. Holmes and his party.
The "Madang" will leave at daybreak to-morrow to endeavor to bring back the "Samoa", the whereabouts of which have been located by Major Heritage. Lt. Commander Lampton will take charge, and he has been instructed to return early on Sunday next in order that the necessary supplies, etc. may be placed on board the "Madang" for the Detachment proceeding to Kawieng.
The Officers of the Garrison entertained the Administrator and his Staff at dinner.
The following message has been prepared for despatch to the Minister for Defence: -
"Expedition under command Major Heritage hoisted flag Kawieng and proclaimed Military Occupation New Ireland, 17th inst. He then proceeded to sea and following day surprised and captured vessels 'Siar', "Matupi" and "Senta". Expedition returned this day with captured flotilla. Consul Jolly and German Resident on board. New Ireland now under my Jurisdiction. Lieut. Holmes temporarily in charge."
Owing to W/T troubles this message has not yet been despatched.
The message mentioned in yesterday's diary from Mr. Lucas to Burns, Philp & Coy. was successfully transmitted to Port Moresby.
The health of the Troops at Rabaul and Herbertshohe continues satisfactory.